Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March of Kindness

I posted a link on the side of the blog about doing at least one kind thing per day for the month of March. I really like this idea, and I think we all could use the reminder. I am really tryng to teach Zoe and Fiona the importance of kindness - and if I had one goal for their life, it would be for them to learn to be kind. For true kindness leads to peace, inner health, happiness and an intersting life which are all of the other things I wish for them as well! Through teaching them, I am refocusing on my own kindness and trying to rekindle that focus in my life. I recently read somewhere that teaching something to someone makes it really become a part of you. Here's to us all being a better person!


Kelly said...

That is exactly my motivation too, Tracy! My little one isn't old enough to observe it yet, but if I can get on the path myself, I know it will be easier to teach to her - to be that example of what I want to see in her. Hope it's being a great month for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear. What a nice motivation for MOK. I look forward to reading your updates over the month.