Saturday, August 29, 2009

Trial Run

We babysat for our neighbor's 8 month old this morning for an hour. It was a good trial run to see if we could handle a toddler and a baby. It went well - but it still took both me and Keith to keep them both safe and entertained. I know now I could handle it myself, it would just mean that everyone would not get what they wanted when they wanted it, but at least I know we all would survive! Zoe was a great "helper" - she loved all over little Tripp and tried her best to help him with whatever she thought he needed help with (well, at least until she was bored and ran out of the room- which is where the second adult came in handy!). I think we still need a few more practice runs, but I know we will be fine...after all, most people in the world have at least two kids and live to tell the tale!

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