Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good Sleep

Zoe is sleeping in her crib at night now. This is a very big deal for Momma who slept on the floor of the nursery the first time Zoe slept in there (even though it was only for a few hours and then I brought her back to my room !). But from here on out (except for those bad dream nights when she's old enough to crawl in bed with us in a few years), Zoe will be sleeping in her crib at night and during naps. It took one stressful naptime of letting her cry for a really long time (and oh what a cry it was) and that seemed to break her of her need to nap in the swing. Once we made that hurdle we figured we might as well do the whole shabang and have her sleep in the crib at night as well. So far , so good. It's empty in our bedroom without her there, but I guess babies are supposed to grow up eventually!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting your room back! It's a big step for all of you. = )