Monday, November 10, 2008

Quality Fun

Zoe and Mommy have been spending real quality time together lately. We are always together anyway , but I usually have a million other things going on and even when we are home I am dragging her from one thing to the next. This past week was different - we have been playing together all morning after breakfast until nap time. Then for the rest of the day, most of it was spent playing, as well. We have played a lot over the past few months, but this week was different for some reason. I let Zoe lead the way and these are the things she really wanted to focus on, in no particular order:
standing up while holding on to the foot stool
standing up while holding onto the crib and working her way along the railings
standing up while holding onto the couch
standing up while holding onto my fingers
eating hangers
eating tags on everything
eating paper torn from magazines
grabbing at the art work in her room
grabbing at the locks on the doors
grabbing at my necklaces
grabbing the cats tails
biting fingers (whoever's were near her mouth)
biting noses
biting other things (think feeding time!ug!)
As you can see there are certain themes!
I hope we can keep up this quality Zoe time as I jump back into work and new endevours (from home still) ...hopefully I/we can manage it all!

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