Friday, November 7, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

There really is something completely peaceful about watching a baby sleep. Zoe's night sleep schedule is about from 630pm till 630am. Her nap sleep schedule is not very consistent, though. I might get a 45 min nap out of her in the morning and an hour or two in the afternoon if I'm lucky. And people wonder why I can't get much done in the course of the day! There definitely are no more "sleep when she sleeps" for me anymore. It's more like, run-around-like-a-crazy-person-doing-all-the-things-you-can-until-the -baby-wakes-up scenario. But I really am so glad to be able to stay home with her. I don't miss anything! I can't imagine dropping her off at daycare for 9 hours a day. I know some people have to do that and it must be so hard. I certainly like my hour or two in the week when i get a break, but I wouldn't trade my special time with Zoe for the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is an adorable picture - what an angel our grandbaby is!