Friday, May 15, 2009

Whooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!

Daddy graduated from Nursing school this past weekend!!!!!! Yayyyyy Daddy!!!!!!!!!!! He has earned it! Years of brain draining work, long hours (late nights and early mornings!), lack of sleep, MAJOR stress, and a few hospital stays and he is FINALLY DONE! I don't have any idea how he could pull all of this off and become a father smack dab in the middle of it all and still make it out smiling. An amazing man - deserves everything! We are soooooo proud of you Keith. I know we (and by "we" I mean ME) might have added a few extra stressors in there here or there (tee hee), but we knew you could do it all along and couldn't be prouder and more excited for you. Here's to being a college grad - congrats we love you more than anything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

papa says way to go KB