Friday, February 6, 2009

The Hostess with the Mostest -or- Girl, He's Just Not That Into You

Zoe hosted her first playdate at the house today. This is what I imagine the babies were thinking during the picture taken above.....
Zoe: Oh my gosh! A real live baby! In my house!
Crosby: Oh look, new toys.
Zoe: Oh my gosh - I must get that baby!
Crosby: That girl is coming at me pretty fast..I'm a little nervous here people.
Crosby: I'm just going to walk away and pretend I don't see her.
Zoe:! Got him!
Crosby: Mooooooooommmmmyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was how most of the playdate went intermittent with good conversation between the Mommies. Gotta love toddlers! (Oh and I even baked "healthy" muffins for the kids - watch out Betty Crocker!)

1 comment:

Baci said...

this is hilarious!