I am still nursing Fiona. With Zoe I had to stop at ten months, so nursing at this age is a whole different ballgame. First of all, Fiona doesn't just lay there all cuddly like you see in some pictures. She is all over the place, going from side to side, forward and sideways, and every which way. She also has started panting loudly when she want to nurse. Yes, I said panting. Like a dog. I have
no idea in the world why she would do that! I have been calling it "nummies" since she was born, and just assumed that was what she would call it. I cannot stress enough how I have
NO IDEA why she does what she does. It is kind of embarrasing yet kind of funny at the same time. We don't really nurse in public much anymore...it's just harder for me when she is all over the place like that, so I doubt anyone will notice her "requests", but it makes me laugh. I'm not sure how long I will nurse her, my goal was one year, the World Health Organization says at least two years. She's eating all solid foods now, so it only happens a few times a day around sleeping times anyway, so I guess I'll let her figure out the details. Hopefully she's done before she can actually
tell me why she pants when she wants her "nummies"!
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