Monday, September 14, 2009

This little froggie

So Keith and I are big into letting Zoe explore nature. We let her jump in puddles, talk about the baby squirrels nesting on our porch, encourage her to hold caterpillars, etc. So the other day, we thought it would be cool to point out the little frog on the sidewalk. The frog must have been in fear mode because it wouldn't move (it was obviously alive because you could see it was breathing). Keith tried to coax it along by gently touching it with the side of his shoe. Still, it didn't move. In a split second, Zoe walked over and apparently thought she would help things along like Daddy did and - SPLAT! - she stomped on the frog ! Thank goodness she doesn't have much power behind her stomping, and the frog pretty much seemed to be OK. We didn't know whether to burst out laughing or grab her and run. After a few seconds of pure shock, we ended up doing both! It definitely was a lesson on perception and how those ever so tender teaching moments don't always go as planned!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The story was even so much more hysterically funny when they told it in person! Can you just picture it - Zoe helping just like Daddy did....and years from now saying, My first memories are of me and my Dad stomping on frogs in the driveway!........Gramma