Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Zoe, Gramma and I stopped by the beach on this beautiful Easter Day. Zoe gets so excited when she sees the beach!!! She looks around in awe and smiles at everyone walking by. She loves the waves and the birds and the sand too! One time she was even flirting with some teenager's boyfriend (uh - oh!).
We figured out a way to teach Zoe how to use a spoon. We have to put ice cream on it and she eats it right up! She is fanatical about it - grabs the spoon out of our hand, sucks off every last drip , and then gives it back to us to load it up again! So funny! She must be related to my side of the family regarding that trait:) !


Anonymous said...

I love the new big, flowy hats. They work well for her.- Uncle David

Anonymous said...

The big flowy hats rock!- Uncle David