There are many reasons why I married my husband. But the absolute number one reason was because
I knew with every breathe of my soul that he was going to be a great father. Today was one of those moments that he really let his inner Daddy shine. He picked out Valentine treats for Zoe all by himself, and laid it out for her when he got home from work on her high chair so she would get it first thing when she woke up in the morning! (Not to mention that he stayed up all night with her because she was sick and let me sleep!) He did sweet things for me as well for the occasion, but I will always remember this day for how sweet he was to Zoe on her first Valentine's Day. She may not remember exactly what he did, but after a lifetime of such sweet gestures
she will always remember that her Daddy is a sweet, sweet man and she will know - without a doubt - that she will always be his favorite Valentine!

(Zoe sleeping with her Valentine Puppy)
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