Sunday, August 17, 2008


I haven't eaten meat of any kind for 14 years (I was vegan). Then when I was pregnant I assumed the doctors would want me to change all of that. But they didn't. They all said that my diet was as healthy as you could get (minus my chip fetish), and that I didn't need to change a thing for my pregnancy except to up my protein intake. Throughout all of the issues and concerns and bedrest, though, I was getting a little nervous. Since Vegan protein takes a lot of effort to come by (and a million extra calories at that), I decided to start eating seafood for a healthy and easy way to get more protein and omega fatty acids. I'll admit the first meal of fish included tears on my part (eating nothing with a face for over a decade and then eating Nemo really can get to a girl- thanks Mom for trying not to laugh.) But as time went by and my taste buds remembered how yummy scallops and salmon could be, I adjusted. Since I am breatsfeeding, and my nutritional needs are still high, I decided to continue the seafood thing for a while longer. Which brings us to Maine. Growing up and coming to Maine since I was a baby turned me into a lobster fanatic. It also turned me into a lobster snob - I will never eat lobster anywhere except Maine (if you think the lobster at The Red Lobster is real, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya). So as soon as we went over the Maine border we stopped at Bob's Clam Hut (a family destination since forever) and I inhaled two lobster rolls. Then I proceded to get lobster again for dinner. Since dating me , Keith has acquired a taste for lobster as well. Let's just say that he prefered me as a vegan simply for the fact that I was a MUCH cheaper date - His girl who mainly ate salad and baked potato whenever we go out to dinner is no more - honey, maybe you should go for that M.D. degree so you can afford to feed me now!:)


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to "lobstah" land!

Anonymous said...

Popa John says " it appears you really didn't like either of them"