Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cry Baby

(This picture has nothing to do with the following story. Keith took it before going to school one day. We both are sleeping in the exact same position!) On to the story...
I think I caused Zoe's first tear the other day. And at that exact moment my heart broke into a million pieces. (FYI-Babies don't cry with tears until they are few months old.) It was just the usual conflict - do I let her cry it out at nap time, or do I go in and console her, or should I pick her up because she's just not tired? But this time when I went in after I chose to let her cry it out for a few minutes there was a single huge tear falling from one sad looking eye. So I guess you know what happened next. Yep, she got held and cuddled on for the next hour straight. If she could have asked for a pony I probably would have given her one. Yeah, I know, I'm in trouble... I'm sure there will be many more tears to come - on both our parts- but I hope she'll understand someday that I never mean to upset her, it's just one of those things about being a parent and having to look out for someone who doesn't always agree with your point of view. Hmmmm...So I guess I sort of understand now why in high school I wasn't allowed to go to that Milli Vanilli concert because I didn't clean my room:)


Anonymous said...

As much as the picture doesn't relate to the story - let the picture story be told that four generations(maybe more) of Gramma Barbati Mattoon's women all sleep in that position! Got something do to with apples not falling far from trees? God bless the little sweetie, she is one of us!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, mama. It sooooo hard to hear your baby cry--and to see the tears. I can't even tell you how many times I cried right along with Theo hoping we could all just take a nap.

Anonymous said...

I cried when mom told me I couldn't go see the Grateful Dead... and then Jerry died. My mom said he would be alive forever. It was a very tramatic event.-DK