Sunday, April 6, 2008

Uncle David and Brooke

Uncle David and Brooke came up this weekend. I've been so looking forward to my brother meeting Zoe! It definitely was love at first sight on both their parts! David was a little nervous at first with such a little package, but got into the groove soon enough! He was feeding, changing diapers, singing, and dancing with her like a champ in no time. Most of the time, though, he just seemed to want to lovingly gaze at her like the rest of us! Yay!


Laurel said...

that is wonderful that David came to visit, just sorry that we didn't get to meet him!

Anonymous said...

Interesting picture. I've been brushing up on my children's song for my next performance, I'll try and come up with something besides the Beatles.
(I guess I'm Anonymous cuz I can't remember my login information.)